Friday, September 18, 2009

The Next Step in the Big Purp Takeover

As I sit here this Friday morning (and hijack the best blog on the planet), I can't help compare the feelings of a Herd victory to the pure joy elicited by the return of the best shows on TV last night. Wait...don't tell me you don't know about The Office, Parks and Rec and promising newcomer Community. It's really an upspoken Herd fact that all players and fans can freely quote from The Office at will, so you'd better bone up on your knowledge - that's what she said.

It's also with a twinge of sadness that I look at the calendar and realize the fall softball season is coming to a close. What could we possibly do to further the Thursday night Tarheel Coed league softball prowess and intimidation we've built over the last few seasons? The answer is quite simple - off-season training. And what activity could possibly build endurance AND the intestinal fortitude necessary to withstand the pressure cooker of Thursday night? If you guessed a 5k run, you'd almost be right. If you said a 5k run that includes eating 6 Krispy Kremes, I'd call you Nostherddamus.

A growing group of Herd superstars and superfans have already signed up for this worthy event, benefitting the Matt Gfeller Memorial Scholarship Fund. You should join us. When else do you have an excuse to scarf down 6 doughnuts and not feel bad about it? Get the details and sign up here, everybody's doing it...


  1. I'm in, however can I skip the "running" part and just eat doughnuts?

  2. hmmm, i didn't know we had a writer in our midst all of this time. well done. well done in indeed! who wouldn't want to run, eat, and puke with the HHHHHEEEEERRRRDDD! i do, i do!
